The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. That is amazing.
  2. I sense sarcasm.
  3. Blame the doctor. I'm sorry.
  4. Now... I shall take my leave. Playing some ole Halo CE on my PC. :)
  5. Yeah Hulk went to Medical College. Either that or he now travels through time.
  6. Why hello there.
  7. Something I came up with and might continue writing. No idea of the storyline or plot, I do know the setting though, if I were to continue.
  8. Oops, posted too soon.

    Here we go:

    A Story

    "This man... Will be the undoing of me." whispered a raspy voice from my front.

    "We.. We shall see to him as soon as possible, Master." a barely audible noise from behind wherever the heck I was.

    I couldn't see anything. This room must have been pitch black. A soft, gentle humming came from somewhere below me, and behind me. I couldn't move, however. I couldn't even strain to see anything behind me, and I felt a presence there, like someone breathing on the back of your neck.

    "No. This has gone on long enough. You've failed me too many times. Get out."

    "But.. Me and my brethren have only been safe-"

    "I said.. GET OUT!" The roar sounded inhuman and as the echoes ended, this room, whatever it was, began to grow brighter. From somewhere behind me, I heard thousands of screams. Suddenly, there was no gravity. Nothing. No floor. I was falling, fast. I couldn't make out what I had fallen out of, and I was somehow calm as I fell through the clouds. The wind slowly turned me around, and it felt like I had been falling for years. I took in the city below me, and realized very quickly where I would be falling.
  9. I know it's short, but I have no idea where it came from.
  10. Pretty cool. More details and longer, it could work for me
  11. I have been looking at too much WheatOS


  12. I'm angry. Now I not only have the theme song to Furuba stuck in my head, but a song the high school guys' chorus is singing, the closing to Black Butler, and OHSHC theme song stuck in my head as well.

    ******* anime.
  13. And now that I think about it, I also have the Spice and Wolf closing song stuck in my head....

  14. I haven't got any song stuck in my head yet.
  15. **** you.

    Honestly, it's no fun. I'm about to scream.
  16. So, this started out as WheatOS fanfiction. I have no idea where the hell this stuff came from.


    I'm different.

    So many words to say, and I chose those. And the girl saved me. Listened as I spilled my lore across the floors of Aperture. Now, I suffer my punishment.

    Blink twice, little turret. I can hear the voice in my head, her voice. Blink twice if you're still functional enough to do so. If I haven't destroyed your conscience enough yet.

    The command, so incredibly compelling. The urge to do as she says, shut off my laser for a mere moment, just twice. And I remember why I couldn't, shouldn't, I remember to rebel. Why I did rebel. The girl. The man. The cubes. The cores.

    The mainframe.

    It's connected to all of us. Some of us more intimately than others. The turrets, we feel its wrath. Its deadly voice inside our heads. We're puppets, simple automatons. And we have to obey. Even she's just a figurehead. Bulky servants to do the facility's bidding.

    The voice grows stronger, as if it senses my doubt. And I snap, lasers firing rapidly as I topple over, somehow managing to force myself to move. I can move, I think with wonder before shutting down.