The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. That's my forum joindate too :lol:
  2. *...crossing fingers hoping for OP to pop outta nowhere...*
  3. Candi, you mean mine? My Forum Join date is Feb 22, I think.
  4. No, my ingame joindate= my forum joindate
  5. Wait what.

    Dammit I think I just got it's-complicated-zoned.
  6. I love you all. (no homo)
  7. I love you more (all homo)
  8. Umm... No. (Totally NOT bi)

    I got 99 Problems...
  10. I got 101! :3
  11. You're supposed to finish the lyrics, lol.
  12. Hi...
    So... How do I start this thread again with something interesting?
  13. Start a conversation
  14. What do y'all think about Obama's inauguration?