The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Phoenix. Because of your name I picture you as a ginger boy with somewhat short hair. Along with red eyes. And red wings. :3
  2. The last two sentences are correct.

    Other than that, I have dirty blonde hair, bluish-greenish-eyes, and the beginnings of many zits... Except that they've laid dormant for a year. o_O
  3. Whoops, I just stated an oxymoron.
  4. I have Brown eyes, Brown hair, Brown wings, Brown nails, Brown glasses, Brown tails, Brown... I quit.

    Why is Brown capitalized?
  5. Because it...

    I don't know...?
  6. I have a gun.
  7. The gun barrel is backwards. IT'S A TRAP!
  8. Ugh i wanna blow chunks.D:
  9. Is anyone ever on at 10 PST? Other than me
  10. Wrong account...
  11. I'm getting braces today....

    *spazzes out on top of a table*
  12. They suck for the first week DX
  13. No, smighter, because it's 1AM EST.
  14. Did you hear about the new TRON movie coming out? More dubstep for my ears!
  15. Plot twist: I AM the Café.
  16. Nope, Irin is. ;)

    Now I have to go.
  17. Wish me luck on my last midterm! The math test should be ******* easy.