At times I wish this place was a physical location that we could access any time. I'd be sitting in the corner judging you all.
I'd be attempting to pick hulk up. And failing. But that would be amazing. Seeing "The Writer's Café" on a street corner.
In the corner, sitting on a barrel of Writer's rum whilst sipping a dangerously full glass, Cheesemuffin silently judges those involved in the fight at the bar. Ooh.
Pew pew pew. I'm so tempted to do a third person narration of what exactly I would be doing during this bar fight of yours.
This is totally intended as a joke, by the way. >_> I need to get myself back into writing humor. The next CotMC chapter is going to be unbearable.
More like Cheese's. Sorry, Cheesey. And fine. *Pulls a knife from under the counter, and marvels for a few moments at the fact that anyone would trust a sociopath with a blade of any sort, before launching it at worrying speeds towards Smighter's general vicinity.*
Haha *leans back in chair, takes a sip of hot cocoa, catches knife, then throws it at your cup* I haven't done this in the longest time.
Neither have I. *Moves cup to the side, ignoring the knife impaled on it, and reaches for a bottle of rum*
Your too young for that, aren't you? *throws empty cup at rum bottle, breaking it* Much too young. *winks and refills New cup of chocolate*
This is what I have so far. The Chronicles of a Café There was a certain, odd looking Café on the corner of a forum titled Fan Fiction. It was large, the largest thread in kaw. (Besides threads in Best Of, but nobody ever goes there.) Despite it's size, it was majority overlooked. Nooks and crannies only known to it's creator riddled the thread. Noises emanated from this Café. A bar fight. Not uncommon. "You! Git back ere you noob!" Smighter cried out, grabbing onto Phoenix' s leg. "But..! I didn't do anything!" pleaded Phoenix. "It's a bar fight! There doesn't have to be no reason!" Smighter pulled Phoenix back, and Hulk punched Smighter in the gut. "That's what you get, you hulking buffoon!" Hulk laughed humorously. "Oohhh..." Smighter released his grip on Phoenix and fell to the floor. "Timber!!!" Yelled Candi, as she took a swig from her Writer's Rum and threw a knife at Hulk' s boot. "Aren't you too young to be drinking that?" Cheese quietly mumbled from a corner. He watched over this bar fight like a parent over quarreling toddlers. "Aye, but it doesn't matter!!" Giggled Candi. Smighter slowly stood up, threw an empty cup at Candi' s rum, and laughed heartily, wincing. He picked up a chair and threw it at Hulk. "How bout that, you rascal!?" roared Smight. Suddenly all was silent. Irin walked through the door. All was awry. Broken bottles littered the floor, makeshift chandeliers hung from broken wires, chairs weren't on their feet, Writer's Rum ran like a river through the room, Hulk had smashed enough glasses to replace the windows, Phoenix had lit a little fire on a table, Candi' s Algebra homework was flitting about, Smighter' s hot chocolate was all over his shirt, and Cheese had only begun to get tempted to join the fight.
Aw. I'm portrayed as a little whiner! And I'm Jewish... In Real life that is, lol. But not that image that just popped in your head. And stop smiling. You look like an idiot.