Ugh. My head hurts. My legs hurt. My arms hurt. My neck hurts. My ankles hurt. My hands hurt. Everything hurts.... But I had a hell of a time
2nd midterms tomorrow on history... Then two more over the next two days. After that... PARTAY TIME!!!!
Blargh, I've got my algebra midterm, a WWI test tomorrow, a history midterm, and a science midterm. Thank goodness my English teacher is just giving a ridiculously easy grammar test.
I already had my easy grammar test on Thurs. History test tomorrow, Biology (my worst subject) Tues, and probably a pretty easy Math test on Wednesday. I always make idiotic careless mistakes on his tests.... And he has 10 question math tests.... So it sucks for me.
:/ That must be horrible. I'm absolutely freaking out. I just missed 19 points (which I will redeem myself for tomorrow morning) in algebra, and the recommendations for the next level up are really soon. I'm terrified that I won't make it. Also, ecology sucks. Suuuuuuuuucks. Easy stuff. I'm a little worried about history, but really..
What year do you do ecology and algebra one? (Grade seven, year eight.) I have major worrying issues. School is easy. I am not good at remembering this.
Ooooh. Interesting. So is it hard? I will be taking it next year and I want good results... Compared to other classes, that is
IMO, biology isn't terribly difficult. Iunno. Maybe that's just me. Science has always been one of my stronger points, though. (Zomgoodness I am so gonna fail History.)
History has never been an issue in my record... Science has. History is basically just memorizing stories and knowing big, useless words.../phrases... In science it's logic, PLUS algebra and whatnot :cry:
History is my only worrisome spot. :/ Algebra, I'm only freaking out because of my moral crisis (a 39% because I forgot to do something). Science and english I know I can pull off.
See, my problem is homework. I always seem to do great on my tests and inclass assignments, but whenever there is homework, KaW is the culprit preventing me from achieving what I wish to meet. Procrastination, laziness, KaW... will be the reason I can't be successful in life :mrgreen:
Lol -- Same idea Speaking of which... I should probably get to my homework now, it's Sunday night and I have a ton of crap to do