I'm thinking about wether I should write a story or not. A bit nervous about it though. Should I try it?
I think I got 2 things that are stopping me though: 1. A bit of a fear of being critized for what I write 2. A complete lack of originality for names (Take the name of the awards show for example)
Don't be scared to write! Start with a short story, and then progress along, if you want help with names make a thread!
I might do what some people do and have a sign-up for it. Just need an idea for a short story and I'll try it out to get opinions, then try some longer stories.
You're celebrating your dead thread? Still trying to think of ideas. I want to try and get something tonight so I have a chance to write something tomorrow.
I have so many ideas my brain will burst. Try roleplaying that's what I'm doing at the moment to get ideas
Well, I think I have a short story idea. Need some characters though. Wish me luck in my first story.