My school rotates off A-B days and also our schedule rotates, but it's simple. We also have ACT (Advisory Connection Team) on Wednesdays.
In my school's basement, there is a desk with the name Joey written on it in red marker. It's next to a blender. I don't even know...
Pernicious Chestplate Of Death This contaminious and cursed chestplate possesses special powers. People who survive the vicious wars through integrity may be able to harness to chestplate's power.
Pernicious Chestplate Of Death This contaminious and cursed chestplate possesses special powers. People who survive the vicious wars may be able to harness the chestplate's power.
Good luck with that. For the more mathematically minded, Zero by Charles Seife is an AWESOME read. Calculus, string theory, religion, history, algebra, Newton, Liebniz, Kepler, Aristotle. ALL IN ONE BOOK. I'm sorry, but I'm in love. With a book. <3