The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Lunch depends on fourth or fifth period on Wednesday.
  2. Not whether you have lunch :lol: Just reread that. What time your lunch is.
  3. My school rotates off A-B days and also our schedule rotates, but it's simple. We also have ACT (Advisory Connection Team) on Wednesdays.
  4. Can you dumb that down for me? :3
  5. It's pretty much like mine.

  6. My school is evil. It ha a dragon in the basement... 
  7. So Fluffy was really a dragon?
  8. In my school's basement, there is a desk with the name Joey written on it in red marker. It's next to a blender.

    I don't even know...
  9. Kat, that sounds like my school..... o_O
  10. Pernicious Chestplate Of Death
    This contaminious and cursed chestplate possesses special powers. People who survive the vicious wars through integrity may be able to harness to chestplate's power.
  11. Pernicious Chestplate Of Death
    This contaminious and cursed chestplate possesses special powers. People who survive the vicious wars may be able to harness the chestplate's power.
  12. Does the café look like your testing grounds? You dumb***.
  13. At least he didn't make a whole thread about it.
  14. To be honest, I don't know what's worse.
  15. Ugh I hate when people do that ...
  16. Sometimes making a whole thread is better. Embarrassment is a good motivator.
  17. True... but usually they don't check back to see if their thread has comments. They forget.
  18. I've got some of those GCSE things tomorrow.
  19. Good luck with that.

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