The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. @smighter
    Yes very interesting to talk I indeed (especially me )
  2. We srsly need a mod for FF. .-. I was searching for Endgame on my kindle, which took freaking forever btw, and I came across soooo much crap.
  3. Oooh you is on fancy kindle!

  4. Fancypants Smighter.
  5. Belle used to mod fan fic. I don't know whether she still does. But you're right, there's a lot of crap in fan fic.

    Also, I didn't know they'd put fan fic back on active topics.
  6. Haha.

    Just pc, still. Oh well.
  7. Ah. Didn't realise it was still on at on pc. Why would they take fan fic off at on iDevice but not pc?
  8. Its been on just PC for a while now.
  9. They took it off of mobile devices because that's where the majority of their players access the game. It was taken off, because some people decided that "fan fiction" meant "role play the living ****-ing hell out of it."

    Admins apparently don't give a flying crap about this forum, and nobody else seemed to care enough about it to add to the post I put up in Off Topic a couple weeks back. Moose controls the ****-ing forums now; I haven't seen any other mod doing jack ****, with the exception of Tigress (I think) and CanadianGal showing up ONCE.

    In case none of you get it by now, I'm ****-ing sick and tired of Fan Fiction. If you want a mod for it, stop ****-ing whining about it, and ask the devs.

    I'm done.
  10. Nice rant, or what ever you'd like to call it, very nice.
  11. I'm not going to argue. Because my arguing skills are ****ty.

    I will say that since FF is such a minority, we are neglected by the admin. The forumers the admin appeals to are the ones who advocate for profitable ideas/ideas that satisfy a majority of players.
  12. Exactly, it's like this in the real world too if you haven't noticed. The FF section is like education, the other majorities are like sports, people prefer to support and make supports better than help kids get an education.

    Also I think the developers will do something about it if enough people from FF advocate about it.
  13. Once I get the majority of my what I consider my best works posted, I'd like to bump them and have y'all decide which are your favorites. I've been thinking about trying to get some published for awhile now and would like some input. Would anyone be opposed to that?
  14. Only problem with that is my posts would take up the first two pages if all were bumped at once. Perhaps I should just post all in one thread once im ready?
  15. I would love to give opinions, and I'm not sure about the bumping, but pssfft, this is our section anyway. Also I posted a recent story, I would like feedback on it if you guys can.
  16. "Our section." Please don't phrase it that way ever again.

    It was "our section" back when Irin wrote, Storallelite wrote, iZaln wrote, Lady-Marian wrote, when I wrote, and when Dbo_Assassin was there to troll the crap out of anyone.

    When the population drops from 30 to 4, it's not even worthy of being called its own.
  17. "Our section" may have changed, but isn't it still our section? There are more writer's here because of the thread you made, even if none of them post on the café.

    If only Benny was still a mod.
  18. I write very sparingly, but I admit, in my perusing of FF, I had seen so much of D_Bo, I figured it was a waste of time.

    He was really good at ruining things.
  20. They might not write anymore, but we are getting new people, are we not? The population is getting better correct? Soon the FF section will be back to its original glory, I mean it's doing OK now.