I nicknamed my new KaW chew toy of sorts Squishy. After the whole Dory line. You know. "I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy."
Scones, in my humble opinion, are not meant to be eaten. Never liked the things. Cheesecake is a different story.
Completely understandable, Willy. In that case, I've got some fruit punch, water, soda, basically anything else you might want. @Nova, Finding Nemo! I love that movie! Zaln, after all these years, you still crack me up lol
I've had an overdose of Finding Nemo recently. Watched it for "Science" in class, watched it in the back of a new Pathfinder (which was, by the way, pretty cool), and watched it "because we could," with my siblings.
Good to know I can still please and entertain ya, Iriririririn! And boys, you should all know that the writer's rum is the best. Or, if anyone has coke and mentos... iZaln
Scones. As served at a common cafe, nasty rocks. I'd prefer some of Zaln's "Monkey Shartings". I bake up some lemon scones with a vanilla frosting...I challenge your taste buds.
I've been the same way about the Avengers lately. I absolutely love that movie! Zaln, I don't like where this coke/mentos thing is going. And I'm not sure I've ever actually eaten a scone. They do sound delicious though.
I'm fairly certain I have a stash of mentos somewhere. (I always have some kind of checkout candy/gum on me.) The coke, however, you'll have to obtain by some other mysterious means (read: we're in a café, what do you think?).
I'm back. Lol coke and mentos are the best. Zaln, where you been? Haven't seen you since... I have no idea. A long time. Scones are good. A bit too dry the way my family makes them though. My uncle makes the most amazing cinnamon rolls though. And a few nights ago we made monte cristos, oh my gosh, amazing.
I bake an amazing apple pie, but cannot make cookies for the life of me. (I've been scarred by an experience noticably lacking shortening.) I'm also pretty good at cakes (but better at their decoration). Baker at heart, really
Willy, you sir, are genious. And Irin, dont be a kill joy! And Smighty, I'm around time to time lol. iZ
That's probably true. The most recent memory I have of you is also the first, that story of the people trapped in the computer game and they keep obtaining upgrades to their equipment and such. That story was amazing and I think it's the first story I read in FF.
This Christmas, instead of getting everyone gifts, I baked all of my friends cookies, and I' pretty pleased with how they came out. But all this talk about baking is making me hungry lol. Welcome back, Smighter. And pfftt, Zaln I'm not a kill joy!...all of the time....
Cookies are unpleasant unless baked by someone else. Then, they become bundles of bliss. And chocolate, but mostly bliss.
Smight, that might have been Seth's story End Game. Lol now that was amazing. And Iriririririn, you're always the voice of reason that sucks out all the fun =O iZ
Yummmm I love chocolate. Especially dark chocolate. Pffft, Zaln, I do not! I can be fun! ...I can't remember a particular time on here that i've been fun, but I've been fun!
^Let Irin believe she's been fun, Zaln. We both know that's not true, now where'd you put the coke? End Game was amazing. Frikkin so