Aww poor colonial. I have the same problem. I thought I war okay, went on the computer to type then... Nothin...
Conq, read the story thread... That's where I lost the will to continue with the story, or start any stories anymore
I got a bad case of writers block so I'm gonna throw three sleeping pills in the coffee and dream of ideas
Here's a block sedative. How I wish to see the dawn but I am just a lowley pawn oh how I wish just to yawn but I am just a lowley pawn yet the kings are second to none for them we still have to mourn but I am just a lowley pawn
The dark, The cold, It shakes my bones, Scaring me of my own existence. The battle, Like a raging storm above my head, Drowning out my broken screams, With the uttering of gunfire. A broken soul, With broken body, A loss of hope, With lack of faith. My thoughts they blurred, But on one I focused, The thought of my children, Soon to be fatherless. Would they wail? Or would they cry? At the news of my departure. Or maybe they would not care... The world began to dim before me, Swallowing the commotion all around. And all I could do was wait helplessly, Never being able to say goodbye. The time had come, My song is ended, It was time to leave never to return, To the place I once called home. My eyes fell heavy, And I tried to fight against it, But they shut. Never again to open.