The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I'm new in iWrite, but free coffee?? I could get used to this...
  2. Guard was mispelled.

    *** Edit courtesy of iWrite Co. ***

  3. ....yep...definatly gonna go outta buisness. At least you guys don't have the password to the seceret bar in the back...opps. Wasn't supposed to say that...
  4. Oh, thanks Bast. :)
  5. *gets out hacking device* :D
  6. Irin, I have plenty of cash left from all the writers working at the company. If you are running low tell me, we could volley someone (I keep).
  7. No problem. Lol I'm very anal about spelling in stories.
  8. Bar doesn't open till 9 EST anyway.
  9. Thanks Bast.

    And unfortunately I'm one of the worst spellers on earth. The thing that really gets me is missplaced commas. :)
  10. And misspelling misplaced.
  11. Chicken wings 
  12. FACT: people misspell the word "misspell very often!! Two s's people!
  13. Get. Off. Now.
  14. What's wrong, Irin? 0.o
  15. That was directed at Chrizz by the way..
  16. Poor irin...
    Huggles (>")>?