The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I got that much.
  2. I just got power back. Dat Hurricane Sandy ._.
  3. Powa back! 7:30 PM or so today. That was a REALLY long week. My house was colder inside than out. >.>
  4. I only had mild power outages from Hurricane Sandy. I'm on the outskirts of it.
  5. Phoenix - I think GG is good game? Or something like that...
  6. Eeyup, gg starts for good game. As in, "That was a good game of football."
    Or, "GG team."
    Or my personal favourite, "GG no re."
  7. Guise. Guise pls to listen to me.

    Guise, get Wattpad app or go to der website and read "One" by Cheesemuffin.

    Is liek, de best storeh.
  8. 3rd party advertising. Better not get this thread deleted :-/
  9. I'm currently preparing for my exams, and I'll be sharing a few short pieces with FF, and will be asking for your feedback and suggestions on ways to improve. I'm currently studying non-fiction texts, but I'm considering posting a few pieces of writing from previous years, what do you guys think?
  10. Cut off, that's strange.. I didn't use an ampersand

    Anyway, should I post them?

    I've only recently become acquainted with the Fan Fiction section of the forums, so I don't really know what response I'll get, trolls? Or genuine feedback?
  11. Mostly mediocre feedback, some trolls, but you will get some helpful feedback.
  12. Not a harmful third party ad. KaW and Wattpad are not competing.
  13. You never know... KaW waiting to send in the skellies to take them out is a likely scenario.
  14. Y'know, this is supposed to be the most forthcoming thread in this forum
  15. Let's do something about it then.
  16. This is something I wrote quickly (10 mins) whilst in bed on my iTouch and it's the first piece of writing I've posted (even though I've been readin on ff since early2011) so it's not the best. But I hope you like it!!

    He was weary, exhausted from a hard day of walking. He still hadn't reached the strategy forum where he was going to brush up on his war techniques. Suddenly he heard a scream, a pitiful, screeching scream. It echoed off the cliffs and reverberated down the valley, causing the birds to stop flying for a moment.
    "What was that?" he thought.
    He looked down the narrow, dusty, winding road and saw a crowd. "That must be the strategy forum. Finally!" he said to himself. But he was wrong, very wrong.
    Eager to find a place to rent and have a meal, he broke into a sprint, kicking up dust in his wake. He stopped abruptly, what he saw shocked him more than he thought possible. It was a town, a rather small town, but a town nonetheless. The houses were all stacked on top if each other, each floor had been built in a rather messy fashion: nothing was straight, everything was tilted slightly. But that was not what caught his attention. There was a huge commotion in what appeared to be the town square. The place was HEAVING with people wearing strange costumes and shouting over each other. There must have been about a thousand of them. "This doesn't look particularly strategic to me..." he thought. He went up to one of the strange, costumed people and asked, "What's going on? Where's the strategy forum?"
    "This is the fan fiction forum, we're role playing!" the man replied.
    He started making his way to what looked like a café. The sign outside read 'Writer's Café'. He opened the door and stepped inside.

    There was a group of people sitting huddled around a table, speaking in hushed, worried tones. He went up to them and asked what all the commotion was. "It's the role players, thousands of them, one of our residents started a role play and they've all joined in. It's one of the biggest threads ever!" one of them exclaimed.
    "Rumour has it the mods are on their way to shut it down, we might be completely disconnected from Active Topics! They might blow up the main road!" another said.
    "Well what can we do?" he asked.
    "Nothing," they said in a mournful tone, "it's too late. Those fools have destroyed fan fiction!"

    The place was a ghost town, the shutters on every house were closed, only a few people wonderedthe streets. The only open shop was the omipresent Café. If you were to go inside you would see a few people sitting around a centre table, discussing their writing: the old favourites like Cheesemuffin, FeatherHunter and the others. But you would also see someone else, sitting on his chair with his mug of ale in hand, drumming the table repeatedly with his fingers: him.
  17. Hello. I'm a writer who is trying to complete NANOWRIMO and I thought maybe I could get some helpful tips from you guys and whatnot. ^_^
  18. Hey all... Sorry I haven't been active on FF...
    It's just so...
    Luckily some people are now coming in...
    Though I still think we should all FeedBack KaW for FF to be put in AT... Yes?
  19. I would join in on NaNoWriMo, but I can't seem to find the time to write. But next year I'll try.