The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Apple came out with a new iDevices again *cries a puddle of tears*
    It sucks how apple comes out with something new every like year or so :/

    What do u guys think of the design? My opinion: The backing is pretty but I don't like that the screen width was reduced....
  2. The width wasn't reduced... The length was increased and it's thickness was reduced.

    Apple comes out with a new product yearly because that's how their success works. It's proven to be the most effective strategy.
  3. I honestly haven't looked and don't care.
  4. Came out with iPod 5 too. 2 iDevices out on one date.
  5. Yes.

    That's what that 's' on the end of iDevices is for.
  6. Candi you have to continue that story you posted a while back, 'The Curse of the Missing Cursor' i think it was?
  7. Haha, that!

    Funny story.

    Para pretty much writes the chapters, and then I go super picky on him and revise them to the point of rewriting.

    And I'm too lazy to continue what he has written so far,

    So go bother him.
  8. *Resume sock pocket banter*

    Feet are pock sockets XD
  9. Don't you dare!
  10. Pock socket? Sock pocket. Foot pocket? Hot pocket. :cool: Makings of a genius right here, folks. :lol:
  11. Problem? :p

    6 BBCodes
  12. You must feel so achieved.
  13. Haters gonna hate.

    Potatoes gonna potate.
  14. Everyone is achieving today.
  15. Nuu!
    I just remember I have a party to attend tomorrow…
    But it's also Saints Row the Third free weekend!

    Social or anti-social?

    Cool or cooler?

    Calm or violent?

    Why must I made to make these decisions?
  16. The right hand options are better.

    Much better.
  17. I already bought SR3, Decision is no problem for me :p