The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Not really feeling it today...
  2. Oh, look there! A wild Feather appeared!

    Hi, Feather. How's it been..?
  3. Well...

    I've developed a special affinity for country music. I've been super busy in chemistry and physics class. Oh and Math got harder. :\ History got so much awesomer!

    I got invited to a Europe trip for People to People to France, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland. But it's $6,400, the same price as my China trip.

    And you see, that'll be $12,800 they've spent on me to travel in TWO years. Plus, my bro is going to California Burkley in 2013, and that's also expensive. So no Europe for me :(

    On the bright side, the head of admissions for my state and a lot of others invited me to go on a World Leadership trip to John Hopkins!!!

    The Program selection is so specific! I put on my personal form when in the process of becoming a student ambassador that I wanted to become a cardiothoracic surgeon.

    Coincidence? I think not.

  4. tl;dr. come on there were over 1500 pages
  5. A whaaaat? Lost me there, Feather.

    But I'm actually legitly glad that you're doing well. The hell's wrong with me? Jk, jk.
  6. school starts in 5 days for me. wtf happened to my summer :evil:
  7. That's what I've been asking myself, except I know where half my summer went. Not super happy about it but it was time well spent.

    I spent hours trying to figure out how to set up my new printer, connect to the network and make it work. And what is going to happen in the end?
    It's getting returned to the store. Absolutely useless. Will only print blank pages, says it online one place and offline in the other and can't locate the printer at all when selecting drivers. Now I will at least an hour of my life uninstalling all that software tomorrow! 
  8. I know where my summer went. Which I'm pretty satisfied with. Except for the fact that too much of it was drowning myself in random stories from sheer boredom.
  9. Oh my god the level of technological ineptitude is just insane.

    Anyway, I like how my summer went, minus the whole 'Forgot to do a summer reading project that we were never told about to begin with' thing.
  10. I'm not entirely happy with what I did with my summer, 5 and a bit weeks of games, cartoons, cat videos and talking to Choco cannot be healthy…
  11. You only spent around a week of it talking to me. And there were only a few occasions where we talked for more than an hour at a time.
  12. I spent 4 weeks at MIT, and another week in Maine, and the rest playing Minecraft.
  13. I spent a good chunk of time at robotics or at my friend's house, so I'm generally satisfied.
  14. Yeah I can be a bit dumb when it comes to electronics but it isn't my fault! My dad gave me the wrong cord so the printer wasn't connecting to the network.
  15. I think cheese and candy had the most productive vacations so far...
    I spent a month in summer school and the other month playing video games, watching anime and reading books and blogs.
  16. School starts Monday... D:
  17. Candy? CANDY?! WHY?
  18. Oh yeah.

  19. Idk why, all I remember is calling you that lol Or would you prefer SR? Or chocolate? Lol
  20. Or was it Candi? I honestly don't remember too much!