The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Farm that mod!
    Or have they finally revoked his moderator superpowers?
  2. He's no longer a modergator. Removed for inactivity.
  3. Who's this -Ninja guy and when was he a mod?
  4. Not long ago.
  5. I just read the first nine pages of this thread.

    Is it wrong that I'm saddened by just how much activity here has dropped?
  6. I would be saddened too if I was also a writer here.

    It would be tragic if this thread hit page 2 of Fan Fiction
  7. I think the farthest I ever got was page 70 something.
  8. I read up to page 85 in celebration of reaching 1000 pages, that's the farthest I read.

    Now I'm wondering where my first post on this thread is.

    Now I'm wondering about bringing back Infected.

    Now I'm punching myself for thinking about... RP's on FF
  9. Page 1508. How insignificant.
  10. Buck, this isn't some lowly testing thread. Test on some crappy testing thread in OT.


    Sorry for crappy quality, but I was in a hurry. THIS. CHOCOLATE. TASTES. AMAZING.
  12. That pic is kinda funny though...
  13. Meh. Shuddup. It's chocolate.
  14. I personally find american chocolate horrible. (I dunno if that is)


    They are the ultimate heaven
  15. It's not american chocolate.

    Most american chocolate disgusts me. There's a little Belgian chocolate shop near where I live. Heaven.