The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. x.x

    That war was a tactical mess. Both sides are now being targeted by AM. Lol.

    I, for one, went home, because I saw no point in continuing to fight for them.
  2. That's another one. /TacticalMess
  3. A wild Paradox has appeared!
    Paradox used Fissure!
    It's a one hit KO.

    And that's why the Cafè died.
  4. No, it goes like this.

    A wild Par-

    404 Error: Wild Paradox has corrupted the file Cafe.dat.

    THAT'S how the cafe died.
  5. Guess who!

    (Don't read my wall and don't say anything, Para.)
  6. Who the hell is this guy?
  7. x.x

    I'll tell you once I get my main back.
  8. Pfft.
    Fairly obvious if you ask me.
    But I'll let you play your silly little game, whilst I sit in a corner, knowing a bit too much.
  9. Shhh.

    It's only obvious to you, because you know the names of ALL of my alts.

    You know my pattern. :p

    I always do this whenever I make an alt. It's fun to make my clan guess. (Only one person ever got one right, and he discovered my fairly obvious alt, with you all over my wall.)
  10. *facepalm*

    You gave away so much.

    I'm not even going to bother anymore.
    If someone can get my email and email me, I'll tell you who the hell this guy is.
  11. I did?

    Lol. Woops.

    Oh, and don't hire me. I'm getting rid of this account when I re-link.
  12. I'm losing 11,000.
    Not a big deal.

    If that was 11bil it would be a different matter.
    But 11 thousand.
  13. Meh.

    Just saying.
  14. umm I should hope I'm not like that!!
  15. And lol I'm not against writing, matter of fact, I happen to like to read:)
  16. [​IMG]

    So far, -Ninja's shown up on my bl twice.