The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I'm not sure that describes my confusion :|
  2. Bleh.

    Needs more ellipses?
  3. A bit less emotion
  4. And more ellipses? I like ellipses.
  5. I find more than one ellipse annoying and a waste of space.
  6. It's fun though. Anything that annoys you is, as a general rule, fun. There are several exceptions though :p
  7. *cough*Chick-Fil-Aandantigays*cough*Thekidfromdowntheroadwhobulliedme*cough cough*
  8. The kid down the road...

    We've had this discussion before, haven't we?
  9. 15000 posts the café approaches.
  10. I just realized the irony of this thread - the grammar mistake in the title. :lol:

    Unless the intent was, in fact, for this place to be for only one writer. :?
  11. I never noticed that Fake Cheese.
    Good one.
  12. Never noticed that... Huh. Lol.
  13. So, I'm considering starting that outrageously not-even-close-to-possible story I mentioned before to someone... (Para, I think.)

    Sooo. Thoughts please on this idea synopsis (I GOT IT RIGHT. HA. TAKE THAT, REAL CHEESE!):

    Faye Whitecliffe is, in fact, one of the most influential people in her government, because her job has to do with her government's most successful experiment.


    The original humans were programmed long, long, ago, and now five of these descendants challenge Faye's race in intelligence. Outraged, the government sends her to pick up the five for testing. The five are threatened with the human species' extinction if they do not cooperate.

    They do, obviously. They are tested extensively, and…

    The rest of my synopsis would be a spoiler. Dammit. :(
  14. Well, you actually did it right this time 
  15. Oh, and by the way.

    15,000TH POST!

    *begins dancing*
  16. *Has no clue what a party is*

    Any REAL feedback though Cheese? :p
  17. So, a race of beings that made humans are threatening to kill the humans for... Stuff.

    That's almost like the Mass Effect 3 ending, where you have to kill all Organics because the machines made by the Organics would have killed the Organics anyway.
  18. It's testing. For science. Etc.

    The Portal fangirl is talking now. RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN. A lot of it is Portal affected.

    They want to kill the humans because it's becoming clear to them that humans are more intelligent than them, which makes them angry. But they'll eventually end up killing them... So they test them instead to see if they can find a way to make them less advanced.

    As I think about this, the main thing running through my mind is: GOTTA PLAY ME3, THEN.