The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I have told you my location, my specific residence in MIT, BUT:

    I never said my name, nor my appearance. Therefore, none of you have the slightest chance of walking up behind me and stabbing me in the back.
  2. But why would I want to do that?
    I'm not an assassin.

    And I do know your name.
    You've told me and I know through steam.
    Not that I'm going to say.
  3. ._. I know from a completely different third party app. Plus every time you make a character signup for a story, you try to make it resemble yourself.
  4. You have told us your appearance. I also recall you posting a picture of yourself in the Writer's Café, but I believe you removed it when I made some comments about it...

    Ah, those were the days.
  5. Why must everyone in FF be similar to my rl friends? :|
  6. And I am the quiet and old lurker friend
  7. How so Choco?

    And hi Karl.
  8. You remember me..?
  9. GASP! I DID post a picture of myself!

    *jumps into the trunk of a shady-looking car and flees*
  10. Sure do Karl.
    Can't really forget your dream of a successful writer's clan.
  11. Well, not everyone.

    Konstrikal and colinaidas reminded me of the stuck up annoying twits who couldn't argue...

    Feather kinda reminds me of my arch nemesis/close friend person thing...

    Cheese is a lot like one of my best friends.

    Sorry Para... You're just you. xP
  12. Aww, I feel loved.

    In other news, this robot is so damn near completion it's annoying. I can't do anything to it for 2 hours while most of the camp is out having their mini-Olympics, and even if I could, there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to improve it.
  13. Thanks for the emotional boost Choco.
  14. I guess you're just nit friends with people as awesome as me.
  15. Cheese: Uhm, sure.

    Para: Riiiight. ;P
  16. It'll make sense why none of your friends are like me.
  17. No insulting my friends :p

    It's not like I'm all that social anyways.