I have told you my location, my specific residence in MIT, BUT: I never said my name, nor my appearance. Therefore, none of you have the slightest chance of walking up behind me and stabbing me in the back.
But why would I want to do that? I'm not an assassin. And I do know your name. You've told me and I know through steam. Not that I'm going to say.
._. I know from a completely different third party app. Plus every time you make a character signup for a story, you try to make it resemble yourself.
You have told us your appearance. I also recall you posting a picture of yourself in the Writer's Café, but I believe you removed it when I made some comments about it... Ah, those were the days.
Well, not everyone. Konstrikal and colinaidas reminded me of the stuck up annoying twits who couldn't argue... Feather kinda reminds me of my arch nemesis/close friend person thing... Cheese is a lot like one of my best friends. Sorry Para... You're just you. xP
Aww, I feel loved. In other news, this robot is so damn near completion it's annoying. I can't do anything to it for 2 hours while most of the camp is out having their mini-Olympics, and even if I could, there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to improve it.