The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Yeah I agree with cheese I don't like jump scares but on dead space it's so easy to predict. Like their will be 4 bodies against a wall the lights will dim and 2 of the bodies will have bloody writing over them. Kinda easy to predict.
  2. XD nope! Just an up to date kinda guy

  3. We'd all see the thread eventually...

    And technically Dilly's not 'back,' per se, he's just revealed himself.
  4. Yeah, I've known his alternate account for the whole time.
  5. I'd like to go back to CoS.

    But I can't for reason unknown by FF.
  6. Ooh! Tell me!

    ... Pwease?
  7. Im pretty sure dilly never liked me. CoS looked cool tho, i had a lot of friends there who are inactive now
  8. Three days of work left at MIT. Three days to make my roof-navigating robot work fine.
  9. Oh, and the first one to actually WORK.

    On another note, I did watch all of Fullmetal Alchemist (not Brotherhood, though I will) in my time here.
  10. I'm working on a robot (with my group of 3) that will safely navigate a roof. It's got high-traction everything, sensors to tell it how high off the roof it is (to change speed according to the slope to keep from falling), sensors to keep it from hitting a chimney or anything, and a fancy doohickey I designed to make it turn, have both sections spin individually, and move itself into an arc to cross the roof's peak.
  11. Of course, I'm doing none of the coding.
  12. Sounds intense. I'm fitting impossible amounts of clothing into a duffle bag.
  13. Bleh, my cousins arrived at my grandparents' 20 minutes.

    And you know how much I despise my cousins.
  14. Cheese that sounds awesome. :( I wana build a robot. :(
  15. Ahh. Sounds fun, actually.

    I've got a friend who really reminds me of you. Funny thing, his name's the same too.
  16. That robot sounds awesome.

    Now time to steal the blueprints :twisted:
  17. Massachusetts :I
    It's either in or very near Boston, I forget.