The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Happy almost birthday to me.
  2. Your birthday is soon?
  3. Okay guys.
    As of posting this it is 1:25AM.
    Let's play Slender.
  4. I regret both of those games.
    Never again. >.<
  5. What's Slender?
  6. And happy early birthday eagle :D
  7. You play slender, I'll play Wind Waker ;D
  8. ^^

    I am officially in love. With a song, that is.
  9. Bah! Your petty games will never match the fright of Amnesia: Dark Descent
  10. Except for Ocarina of time, majora's mask and SM64 ;D
  11. Hmm, cheese how long r u at mit?
  12. I've done Amnesia, I've also played every Fear game (no thanks to Cheese telling me), Dead Space.
    I don't do jump scare.

    And have you ever played Slender?
  13. The game I never though was scary was dead space. Maybe it helped that I played alot so I'd be like something's gonna jump through this window and try to kill me kinda easy then.
  14. Marodo, I've got one week left.
  15. I couldn't predict the alien thingies.
    I hate jump scare.
    If someone or something jump scares me, I will freak out.
  16. Why ask how long I have left at MIT?
    Planning to pay me a visit? :3

    Also, Dead Space is one of the most predictable jump-scare games ever.
  17. I would've visited if I knew where you were staying... Dx