The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Not that long :p
  2. Yeah across the pond we finished nearly 2-3 weeks ago, but I'm doing summer school which is one month(full credit, I didn't fail anything.)
  3. we finished june first. i thinkit might just be my state or are u all i summer s and colledge?
  4. We finished on my birthday, what now bitches
  5. Dager, I'm in high school.

    My location, though, is the famous MIT.
  6. I'm in high school in Canada. But I think Canada and USA are more or less the same. But Britain is probably different...
  7. soooo... cheese ur at a summercamp? & i think everyone knows that ur at mit :roll:
  8. I think I might be the strongest FFer. We're not a very strong bunch are we?
  9. You get the highest spies, but I think I have the highest combined stats :D
  10. I don't know we're right around the same.
  11. Nope I added it up and I'm a wee but stronger so I'm the strongest FFer.
    You're 2nd and storas 3rd.
  12. hahah im pobably one of the weakest
  13. Oh, forgot to count equipment
  14. Holy crap, Feather. Half of today's scientific discoveries are made AT MIT.
  15. Hmmm, I just figured they'd be on the news more, then.
  16. The news? You expect it to be on the news!? The same NEWS that glorifies "Selena and Bieber are engaged!!!! :3" and makes such informative columns as "how to lose 100 pounds FAST!"!?

    You gotta read more REAL news. And I mean read. Like gizmodo and Scientific Americsn.
  17. *In a blast of nostalgia, sits at the bar and requests Irin to bring some Writer's Rum*