The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Cool. I'm pretty sure we've got the overcliché vague plotline now. :3

    (I can't write outlines. Not specific ones. I just CAN'T. If you want to do that, that's your job.)
  2. Oh boy.
    I can work on the detailed outline increase the clichéness… TO THE MAX!
  3. Hooray for clichés!
  4. Cool. Email me the finished one. Do you want prologue?
  5. Sure. Email it to me.
  6. Can I also get an outline with the prologue so that I can add detail?
  7. This place is active huh
  8. Yeah. Para and I are discussing our newest project :3
  9. Hi.

  10. Howdy

    Keep the combo alive
  11. My entire China trip, as a whole, was spectacular.
  12. Jeez feather if you're gonna end the combo can you atleast have the decency to say...

