Dammit. I really hate myself right now. I came here planning on posting something very short yet extremely personal. I like what I wrote. It's a semi-apology of sorts. But I can't bring myself to do it. Not even because any of you will be judging it. Because I'm my own personal critic. And I feel like I'm going to sound whiny and attention whorish and stupid. So I'll go for... I. Hate. Myself.
Well I wish you the best of luck in real life and that you get over your sadness. And just remember,FF will always be here for you.
I did this once when I took my first KaW vacation. I was expecting to get trolled/flamed to hell, but I was surprised at the amount of support I got. There are some people who don't wanna hear about other's personal feelings on here. They'll tell you that this is "just a game," but if you're like most forumers and some KaW players, you probably spend a substantial amount of time building bonds with the people you chat with in this game. It only seems natural (to me) that you'd feel compelled to share your personal feelings with the KaWmunity. I, however, enjoy personal stories. It reminds me that there are other people who might be feeling the same thing as me, yet too afraid to say it in public. I frequently find myself hovering my finger over the left mouse button contemplating whether to hit "submit" because of some of the things I've written. In the end, I'm usually glad I did. Some people think I'm a jerk - I just think I'm honest. Don't hold back. Life is too short.
Thanks. A lot. I'm so out of it. And I don't even know why. I also feel like a toddler throwing a tantrum. So that's... Comforting.
You really should post something and then ask 30 minutes later if anyone's read it yet. That's called attention whoring.
No I didn't do it someone else who's really pissing me off did so I'm wondering if I can report them.