The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Does anyone here have ANY idea how god damn hard it is to move a half-ton tractor into place in 90 degrees?
  2. Really hard?
  3. No. I only know how to lift a three-fourth ton tractor in 95 degrees. Celsius.
  4. It's a real pain in the ass, I'll tell you that much. Damn thing's battery ran out, wouldn't move into place.
  5. That's what she said?
  6. Another cheese?

    We missed out favorite dairy product.

    I CANNOT think of something to write about. I literally hit dead end. Rock-bottom. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero.

  8. muffin is the real deal. I'm just an impostor - ignore me.
  9. I demand this imposter be SLAIN!

    Anyway, I've stopped as well. Every time I'm tempted to write on Wattpad, I stop. It's like derp derp da herp derp.
  10. I finally concluded that I will post NO MORE stories on FF, So now I have to be that old wise idiot sitting in the shadows x.x
  11. The homestay was... Different. Red Cliff Village has the Yao people in it. They were cool.
  12. The last place we went to in Guilin was... Kind of lame. That's because Tao (our guide for Guilin) was getting mean. Anyway, the Confucius Temple wasn't the awesomest place...

    Shanghai rocked!!! 20% of the world's construction cranes are in Shanghai. We went to such high buildings and experienced such amazing things... I wanted to take so many pictures!

    We are in SueJo or however it's spelled (SueJo or SueToe is the pronunciation though) and Peter, our local tour guide, talks too much.
  13. You too, huh? You forgot the "herp."

    Here, lemme help you.

  14. Impossiburrr!!!

    You can't leave now that d_bo's gone :p
  15. Well, if you guys don't mind, the next time you'll be hearing from me, I'll be on MIT's campus, programming robots like a pro.
    I've also decided to CONTINUE writing on Wattpad, because our good friend Okami decided to help out 
  17. I'm not leaving, silly Cheese 2.

    Just not writing stories, at all. Anymore :p
  18. Because you totally wrote stories. :roll:
  19. Yes I did, it was gone in two days.

    And it was in Off Topic.

    And it was absolutely pointless

    Never wrote a "REAL" story, never will ;)