The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Marodo! And I was chatting w/ cheese yesterday. He got De Lanice's signature and tried to get me to watch MLP...

  2. ^I can confirm this.
  3. Stop boasting Cheese >.<
  4. It's the manliest show ever!
  5. bronycon huh...
    What's a brony again?
  6. Argh...screw piano practice and theory! I'm writing another chapter!
  7. Building in Minecraft. Check.

    Dubstep in Massive. Getting there.
  8. Im in assassins creep in minecraft, no building there.

    Zaln where have you been!
  9. Stora, a Brony is someone who likes the show My Little Pony. It's also someone who had the opportunity to get JOHN DE LANCIE'S AUTOGRAPH WOOOOOO
  10. Please Cheese,
    Not everyone could afford to be in New York over the weekend.

  11. YES!!! It's briny hunting season people. Prep your flamethrowers.
  12. Yeah, those brinies need to die!
  13. I'd prefer my festive FlameThrower for the hunt :p
  14. Guess what? I'm on vacation! YES! ;)
  15. Guess what? I've got John De Lancie's autograph!
  16. Guess what?

  17. I don't usually say this but:
  18. Ugh. I've seen so much poverty in China. Beijing had the worst so far I think. Xi'an started off beautiful, but I can't remember if it had ghetto stuff...

    The GWoC (Great Wall oC) was a insane display of human ingenuity. The group (we split into groups we wanted to be in) I climbed with got to seven guardhouses/towers before we had to turn back around because of lack of time.

    Guilin, the city I'm currently in, started off AMAZINGLY beautiful. Then a street vendor in Elephant Hill Park messed up the battery section of my camera. -.-

    Anyway, traveling to the Guilin Caves filled me with sadness. Such unsanitary things were occurring in the village outside the caves:
    Chickens and dogs and cats running around, short old women trying to sell my fellow student ambassadors and I fruit we didn't want... The layer of dust and filth covering everything! -shudder-

    Guilin's caves were a huge disappointment.

    Tomorrow we do a home-stay with some local families in the surrounding counties of Guilin. I'm so anxious I can't sleep!!!

    Everywhere I've gone, people I don't know have wanted to take pictures of me.
    I've literally gotten mobbed by tourists, especially at the Forbidden City.
    These two girls have weave in their hair, and the citizens of China as well as other tourists have wanted to get pictures of us together.

    Summer Palace
    Xi'an City Wall
    Guilin Initial Scenery/Beauty
    Big Wild Goose Pagoda
    Great Wall of China