The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Is there anything you'd be interested on writing about?
  2. I only like writing fantasy
  3. And uh, I like Greek mythology, and uh myths. Um, animals too I guess.
  4. Modern day or ancient history?
  5. Yeah those too. As long as it's fantasy
  6. Is there anything specific you want to write on?
  7. Hm... Not rly. Just something fun to write about and something I can commit to
  8. well, what exactly are your 'interests?' (favorite sport, animal, etc.) u dont have to say just try focusing on that
  9. Um, well my favorite sport is hockey, idk what animal is my favorite. Err i usually watch movies or read books with swordplay. I'm pretty good at archery. Uh I know alot of myths and stuff. Uh ice cream rocks. Uh I like animals and would b pretty interesting in doing a book about animals such as warriors or seekers but a bit different.
  10. as in animals r the main characters and can talk and such?
  11. Yup, it sounds pretty interesting to me to be able to write like that
  12. U know like In that point of view
  13. Maybe the humans can shapeshift into animals,
  14. Yeah I was considering that lady.
  15. or maybe they can communicate with humans
  16. maybe in the future, they bring along genetically mutated animals given special abilities into battle and they can communicate with them and such. and then an epidemic strikes, and all the animals die and they have to revivethem or something
  17. Hmmm. Very good ideas. Maybe if like kimber said they could communicate with humans I could write in bothe the human(s) and animal(s) point of view
  18. Wow that's good Kimber! Hmmm
  19. thanks. i was just thinking of the hunger games with the mutated animals and insects and warrior cats with all the battles they have.
  20. I think I have a good base idea now! I'll try to post maybe a summary shortly