Lol that's what I'm doing Iron, doing summer school but not because I failed. XD Well math exam was bad, but moving on. ONE EXAM LEFT!!!!!
So today my teacher said we need proof that we're doing is ours. So I have to record me making a song and building, whilst annoyed and REALLY stressed. So Massive goes like this: "*insert nervous fake laugh*" "Oh God this is *insert compilation of rude words*" "Why is my *insert compilation of rude words* friend making make a song in such a ****ing short time?" "ARGH!" "Screw this." "Well that sounded ****" Minecraft: "You guys suck at building!" "This looks good." "Does this look good?" "Which texture pack should I use?" "Is *insert random texture pack* any good?" "I'm going to hate interior design." "I can't wait for interior design." "Is this symmetrical?" "Which block should I use here?" "Thank God this is peaceful." "Are we in peaceful?" "Am I still recording?" I'm screwed. -Facedesk-
I really need a break. I might play KH2 for an hour or so whilst my 'friends' build. Maybe some ice cream.
Stora for some reason my brain isn't properly functioning so before I misread things did u just suggest I failed? I
Then write about not being able to think of anything! Make a poem call it frustration er somethinh. Hell once my teacher said write a persuasive essay. So I wrote a persuasive essay on how persuasive essays are stupid.
:O Le wild lady-marian has appeared! In other news; I found a way to put Pinkie's Brew into my dubstep.