Yeah ik sorry assassin. Some people I know would just get on my thread and troll the heck out of it bc they're not writers themselves. I didn't know if you were one of those people sooo...
Yo Momma so fat when she stepped on the scale it said, "Honey I'm here to guess your weight not your phone number."
Don't worry I'll write a new story. I might post a few chapters here and there but it seems as if I'm not getting as many readers.
Kimber, I'm not getting ANY readers. I've put my story on hold because I'm not getting ANY readers. At least u r getting some readers
I have no clue where mine is. I'll see of I can post chapter 8 of the gods story today and my new story.
Yodude, I comeing up with story ideas! It's y I have so many stories. Eventually I realized I should just write the plot down for future reference...