The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Hiyas Ladies. Lol.

  2. My stories are always started by dreams... Lolz
  3. Thats awesome, gloomi. I wish I dreamt of my stories. All I get is a keyboard and a computer screen.
  4. My stories are started by day dreaming!
  5. That's why writers block can't hurt me... It doesn't exist!
  6. Just check out this thread. Really long... Oh, and GlooMi want to hear a secret about best Author?
  7. Hmmmm... Dreaming up stories huh? Sounds awesome... I just write stories based on cool stuff that I just did recently. Like the whole reason I wrote Assassins Creed was cuz I had just beaten AC:2 and I heard about the new game coming out, so I wrote on that. Then WarZone is because I started playing that Nova app that was like Halo, so that go me up and about.

  8. Grrr some ones fail trolling my writing guide!!!!
  9. I truly never understood trolls... Wth are they anyway...?

  10. Unhappy people with green skin who like to annoy others.
  11. Those that go on threads and post in ways to purposely start fights and arguments and irritate people in general...
  12. I've been forming innocence in my mind for 2 or 3 years now. Just never wrote anything down. It actually started out as a completely different story. But I'm gonna use part of the old one in the second book.
  13. Anyway GlooMi, if it makes you feel better about the author category, you finished 6th place, behind by 1 vote.
  14. Well that's UnseenAssassin, the first story writer in KaW, along with Ryol. Two legends. I claimed third lol. Anyway, he's probably just questioning the logic possibly...?

  15. Yeah  probably. Idc about the author one. The fact that people even voted for me made me happy 
  16. I thought for sure you'd be in the time five. But there's always next time!
  17. I wish I could write stories as good as you guys. Mind If I use one next semester for English? Joking!
  18. Not a troll, giving an opinion.

    And thank you Zaln. ;D