The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Well, you know what I mean by morning..
  2. Far over the misty mountains cold......
  3. Right, so, quick question: Should I make a sign up for the story I'm writing? Or does no one really care? I'm fine with either, but it might be more fun to get more people involved.
  4. Square Enix;
    Y u make cutscene graphics loads better than gameplay?
  5. Signups are nice. But there aren't many good signups.
  6. :O

    You have never seen a cutscene from one of the latest Final Fantasies.
    In fact, for a PS2, the cutscenes in KH2 are pretty beast mode.
    However, overused…
  7. Hehe yesterday I was playing pocket legends and two other people who were playing the same dungeon as me. I later found out that one was in Asia and one was from south America!(me in north America)
    It's pretty cool playing with people from so far away :D
  9. ^^@Winters (for your story dude)
  10. I remember my first evil character :)
  11. His name was Jerad. He part of the Atlantric ensemble.

    My second evil character was written by myself. His name was Jasper. Jasper was truly evil. He did some horrible stuff... Then we had that maniac James. James was dangerous. He was unstable. All these personalities were INSIDE of the main character of KaW Chronicles, Jerad!

    Whoa, right.
  12. … That's very interesting, Feather…
  13. That story went to hell lol. I imagine I might rewrite it one day...
  14. No stories deserve to go to hell... Shame, Feather. Lol.
  15. Right, so I've been trying out some ideas and this is a little intro/rough explanation of whats going on. It's not refined, but I'd love some feedback on it, seeing as I'm not too sure about the idea.


    Winters sat in the cracked leather chair, staring at the figure sat across from him. He was in an office, devoid of all personality. It was a grey, lifeless, cold and depressing room. This, however, suited the figure's taste perfectly, as he was as cold and lifeless as they come. The figure's name was Death, and he was not in the best of moods.

    Winters shuffled around in his chair. Gazing into the shadow of death's black hood set him on edge, and this time, although Winters couldn't see it, the reaper's scowl was aimed right at him. Death coughed, rearranged some of the documents that lay strewn across his desk, and spoke:

    "You idiot." Death began. Not a good start. "You're a summoner, not a god. There are some things you mortals can't handle." The reaper pinched the area of shadow under his hood where his nose should have been. "Do you even know what you did?"

    Winters shook his head meekly. Truth was, he was trying to conjure up an imp to settle a bet, in which a slightly drunk knight had wagered that he could not summon anything more impressive then a potted plant. The knight was wrong, but what Winters summoned was a little bigger than an imp...

    Death looked at Winters in a way that could only be described as pity.

    Death sighed, "The world you live in is a middle ground. A no-man's-land, stuck between two larger, more permanent worlds: what you call heaven and hell.

    Originally, only heaven and hell existed. The boundary between the two was nothing more then a border, crossable by angel and demon alike. However, a group of seven demons began to stir up conflict between the two worlds.

    Eventually, war broke out. The angels were no match for the demons, as they had no knowledge of cruelty. So they created another, crude, unstable world that would wedge itself between the two, stopping the conflict.

    You are a summoner. You deal with minor demons that slip through the net. But, Winters, all by your little self, you have screwed it all up."

    Winters stared. Screwed what up? Five minutes ago he was spending what was left of his gold on wine and bread, and then he was here. He may have remembered-- an explosion after that summoning? No. It was more then that. It was as if a pressure that had built up over millennia had been released....

    Oh, gods. He started to see where this was going.

    Death, as if sensing the recognition in Winters' eyes, began again.

    "Winters, you have re-linked the two worlds. I don't know how, but you've done it. And you're going to fix it."
