The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. That's great, Conq. I'm really happy for you. Though still ticked off at your last comment. XD
    none of the guys in my school really notice me.
  2. Same here but since I've moved I've never been happier.
  3. I'm a guy and I'm a nerd and ppl say I'm wierd but I don't care!
  4. People actually finally appreciate my unique physical capabilities
  5. Well, I'm glad conq. Maybe things will be different for me next year.

    Bjorn, good for you. Nerds and Dorks will rule the world someday! Be proud of who you are!
  6. Oh and I'm socialy akward
  7. And don't get me started on what those capabilities are
  8. Well, tomorrows my first day of school, so I'm gonna turn in early. G'night everyone.
  9. ?



    -sighs again-

    -trys to write-
  10. Hey irin, having troubles?
  11. I have so much great book ideas! I thought of them in math when I was bored
  12. Hey Marian. I did, but I finally wrote something! 

    @Yodude, I hate it when that happens. Then you can't write it down. I once composed a whole poem in my head duering a math test. By the time I was able to write it down, I forgot all off it! XD
  13. Um…

  14. Working on the title for iSuper

  15. Looks gd, bjorn! Can't wait to read it!
  16.  iSuper 
  17. I made a short story 
  18. I have too much ideas!
  19. (Walks in strangly)wait what Gordy I made it yes no longer lost