The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Creepy dolls.
  2. Ty Irin, so far I've typed up about half the introduction, I think I'll make it in time for the deadline though. Its a simple story but its gonna be so boring...
    Wow so you guys are in semestered schools? My school isn't semestered (8 courses all year long) and we don't have mid terms all we have are final exams at the end of the year.
  3. I try to make sure they are DEFIANTLY not racist, or can offend in any way.
  4. But it is violence and horror.
  5. Defiantly? As in defying something?
  6. Finally getting a new graphics card.
    Seriously, who has an NVIDIA GeForce 6300 nowadays?
  7. What's that? A graphics card?
  8. A terrible one :L
  9. Plato wrote of Atlantis in his books. He wrote of a majestic empire, which drowned under the might of the sea in a single day and night of misfortune. The power of the ocean is not to be forgotten. Ever.
  10. I'm an om nom nomnivore
  11. Just started my new novel, Will be posting up soon. Need to edit first though 
  12. It's A Long Story Chap 19 has just been posted :) I'd really appreciate if you guys gave it a read. Have a good day/night! 
  13. Oh my god is this still bumped?
  14. Still regularly used, not simply bumped. ;)
  15. Feather, theyre finding out that atlantis may have been a real place. But not called atlantis
  16. And the 9th legion set out never to be seen again
  17. BronyCon WOOOOOOOOO
  18. I'm writing a personal narrative.
  19. I wrote one I'f those for school. Hated every second of it. And has anyone ever given out your phone number to people! Jesus now I can't spend five seconds without a person I barely know say hi. :( I'm going mad but it's the fun kind