The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. It's my birthday! Aw yeah and our grade's going swimming, ice skating, and gets to play arcade games! :D
  2. Nice Allios :)

    And yes, actually, that is correct.
    E. A. Poe and H. P. Lovecraft are the owners of horror.
  3. Happy birthday b
  4. Thanks! :D so slap happy right now with my friend. She just got KaW. Her name's RadioactiveGerbil
  5. Hi I'm beria's friend irl
  6. Lol

    What is tht from ?
    It's nice...
  7. Anybody watching TotalBiscuit's WTF-A-THON?
  8. So, I'm trying to write TSoB and I've run into this problem:

    I'm not sure if this was intentional, malicious, accidental, or out of ignorance but this is supposed to be a ROMANCE, so why are the boy character sign ups so unattractive? I'm gonna have to make a guide... Pale skin? Really?
  9. Just because they're pale doesn't make them unattractive.
  10. Lol, you're biased! Almost every character (I think) has PALE SKIN! It's jacked up!
  11. Pale skin could mean rich.
    They have whatever they want at home, so the never leave their house. O.O
  12. Feather make a new person move into town? Haha
  13. @Feather- are Signups still open? I could make one if you wanted... Just need to reread the bio creation guide
  14. I mean seriously, this isn't Canada, or Forks, Washington. THIS IS Aladré, Saradovis!

    Land of the bronze, the gold, the olive, and the dark. But not the pale.
  15. ^My friend is adopted, he could sign up o_O

    Though your predicament is pretty ******* funny.
  16. All of your boy sign-up characters are on Team Edward
  17. Ehadya mean its not canada?>:|
  18. How come if anyone makes a thread with the TINIEST similarity to twc, everyone says it's a copy? If you search Gregor Mendel's pea plants, you will find several sites, with the — for the most part — same information, but a small difference, are they considered copies? Who copied who? Exactly.
  19. ^That sounds strangely like copied material....

    Nah, just kidding, though I sort of agree with you.