The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Yay! I got stolen from for the first time in months!

    Looks like I need higher priced pots lol
  2. Master, I request and recommend you to write a continuing segment of your continuing composition titled "Linked". Would you like a Sammich of Thought? O_O
  3. Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah!

  4. I would like feedback on my story, "Picking Up the Pieces." I would like to hear opinions, all positive and negative. And anyone here besides me is a good writier.
  5. Ta mere est plus laide que Sarah Jessica Parker
  6. Hypothetical speaking... If I have gotten bored and farmed someone and they farmed me back and got clan members involved... Would anyone help me?
  7. Hypothetically**
  8. That's it. I'm writing the next chapter of Linked.
  9. Yay Cheese!
    And iPemilla, I got your back :)
  10. OMG.

    Pim, you know your clan is named after Ray Bradbury's book "Something Wicked This Way Comes"?
  11. I don't lime Bradbury. He's too... I dunno, sappy. There's no fear.

    For a horror or suspense writer, he doesn't do it too well - I just read a quarter of the October Country. I quit.

    Btw, everyone goes back to Overworld in next cha- *bang*
  12. H. P. Lovecraft is where the horror stories are.
    And Poe something...
  13. Which Poe are u talking about .....
    Edgar Allen Poe or another one ?
  14. I don't know, the one that was one of the most famous horror writers.
  15. Maybe.
    I don't think so though...
  16. Edgar Allen Poe is one of the most famous writers ever. He wrote the poem "the raven" and several short stories including "the pit and the pendulum" and "the mask of the red death" he's a boss. In fact, he's so boss I can't even describe how boss he is
  17. Remember that time when we were not much more then 9 and I gave you a paper. And I drew you a flower and I added some snowman and snowflakes and Santa clause cup cakes. And all in all it took me just about an hour.

    And I said I dont know, if lilies even grow in the, wintertime, but in my mind they do. And they grow for me and for you.

    Years past it was strange our friendship seemed to last. Spring turned to summer, summer turned to fall. And I remember when we past the Jon sill cow. Underneath the snow we dug up a lily flower under the red brick wall.

    And I said I dont know, if lilies even grow in the, wintertime, but in my mind they do. And they grow for me and for you.

    After high school we kinda lost touch, Id be lying if I said I didnt think about it much. Never thought I would see you again, you were a real important friend. As winter approached I got a package in the mail. It was an 8-inch by 4-inch amalgamation. Had been sent from a far, in a distant land a land called California. Opened the letter and began and it read.

    And I said I dont know, if lilies even grow in the, wintertime, but in my mind they do. And they grow for me and for you.

    (Slow clap) I dont know, if lilies even grow in the, wintertime, but in my mind they do. And they grow for me and for you.

    I dont know, if lilies even grow in the, wintertime, but in my mind they do. And they grow for me and for you.