Sorry, just randomly covering the price tag that they so randomly put there with a random watch. You'll probz be #462 on the list in the library. Your best bet is to borrow it from a friend, buy it, or jailbreak your iPod and get it from iBooks for free...
I WANT IT SO BAD!!!! I put a hold on the library, they don't any copies yet...and there are over a 1000 people ahead of me on the wait list... Time to put my birthday money to use lol
I was #41 on the waiting list... But I borrowed it from a friend already. EAT MY DUST, 40 PEOPLE AHEAD OF ME.
Cheaper as ebook, though the iBook interface gets annoying sometime... The Lost Hero was AMAZING. This is 2TIMES BETTER THAN THE LOST HERO.
Use Cydia. Or my friend can create a program for you... He's a sort of Black Hat Hacker... He doesn't do viruses, but he gets many things for free by hacking.