The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. And thanks for the Epic Point!
    *Grips it tightly and puts it under my pillow*.
  2. I heard disproportionately sized tanks and a retarded kid running through methane storage with a match so I kinda thought you were trolling, sorry v.v
  3. If you read correctly, it said that the tanks were firing everywhere (it's a war) and there were so many explosions it was like a retarded kid. Was running around lighting **** on fire(IT'S A WAR)
  4. well you distinctly said giant disproportionate tanks so the figure I get in my head is a bunch of tanks of all different sizes that aren't even relatively proportionate to each other
  5. Do you think I should type like this? Lol
  6. please stop. I said I'm sorry.
  7. That's the point! There's no order to it!
    ITS WAR.

    Oh well, now you know to read before you post.
  8. Nah, that text is annoying
  9. I could say something but I won't. I will leave it at line 12 word 6 of my poem.
  10. Another 661 mil right there, Fell!
  11. Haunting completed :)
  12. Well... g'night.

    Try to be more active during the day EST time people!

  13. Nice!

    I usually make about 2-400 mil bonus and 400 mil plunder without actually trying (one unload) but if I do try and put in some items, I make about 2-2.5Bil on average.
  15. oh god damn it nevermind. just 11,100. I just made a fool of myself