Alright, someone PLEASE ask a mod to delete Fell's post on my story. Fell, I hereby ban you from posting on my story. Another posting on it will be considered a violation of ToU.
are you balanced build or def towers? cuz towers reduce plunder... just wondering. it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a poor loser
Still, the thread was made specifically to show a story. Not only is your post useless, it is also worthless enough to be spam. And as a general rule, YOU DO NOT POST ON STORIES THAT ARE NOT YOUR OWN.
and yeah you were trolling earlier on other peoples stuff so I said broolcorysto cuz I figured the story was a troll too
I have trolled countless threads, and insulted almost as many, but NEVER have I posted on another's story.
Yes, Fell, don't post on anybody's story... End of story, goodbye, the end. Oh, and I think I'm going to go shloof in a few minutes, so when I stop talking, G'night.