The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Aw, that really stinks.
  2. Ik, I'm gonna try again, hopefully
  3. Good luck with it!
  4. Erm...

  5. -Poke-
  6. Hello!

    How goes it?
  7. Gd, seems like I'm always here when ur here. I'm watching u lol
  8. I can't think of anything to write about!!!
    *starts pulling hair out*
  9. Lol.

    I had a new idea for the fan fic forums, but I'm not sure how it would go. If I post it here, would you tell me what you think?
    It's called the Story Exchange Program.
  10. Hey Col. I'm sorry to here that. What happened to Twilights Dawn?
  11. Well I hope you think of something soon. I also liked Battlefield Armeggadon. (sp?)
  12. Unfortunately when I broke my old iPod, I lost all my stories and poems...
  13. Really? That stinks. Your stories and poems were so good!
  14. I was saddened
  15. I'm bored there are no good roleplayers anymore
  16. From what little I've seen, they r really gd, col
  17. Unfortunately I haven't had the zeal to write lately...
  18. @conq, maybe if gangsta town was still alive...

    @col, I hope you get inspired soon. I miss your stories.
  19. I'm in the middle of writing this book called A Foot Print In the Sand it's about a girls bf who dies in a car accendent and comes back to life to continue his life with her