The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I'm just too lazy for another story
  2. *Sneaks into the kitchen to steal some cake*
  3. What I miss peoplez
  5. Good thing that made sense
  6. I'm waiting for Dillybar to get back on CC.
    Feathers thread goes against
    Explicit content #1

    is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, vulgar, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive or discriminatory.
  7. *crawls into cafe*
    *Passes two bil to Irin.*

    Please? :3
  8. *drinks some writer's rum*

    Ahahahh habafggffggfghhfaahaha. AHAHABFFFFAHAHA oOoOoOoOoOooOOooOoOoOoOo..

    *dramatically falls to the floor*
  9. Cheese, I cannot let you in,
    You must leave this thread right now,
    for if i did it'd be a sin,
    And rules be rules, there's no way how.
  10. Sin... Hm... I thought that term only applies to religion, right?

    *runs from Irin holding a chainsaw*
  11. Sin is a word
    that rhymes with in,
    For a rhyme
    should shine
    and since thou seem so intent
    on posting where you were sent
    away, i think i will undo
    the ban I brought to ALL of you.
  13. I hope all will understand
    the lesson from the willing ban
    and you won't feel a need to be
    hatinging all the world you see,
    you will not ever be so rash,
    and I won't find you talking trash,
    We'll talk nicely over cake of cheese,
    if only if only...please?
  14. I had chocolate caramel pretzel cheesecake last night
  15. Hurray!

    Persistence and non-douchebag-iness always prevails in the end!

    *sits down for cheesecake and lots and LOTS of rum*
  16. I made chocolate not clusters,
    Whilst I watched the Mythbusters,
    T'was very fun.
    My baking skills are number one!
    Ella, to you, I say, HELLO!
    Might you have any Jello?
  17. *chuckles*

    *hides rhyme-atism cure in pocket*
  18. This ryming curse
    is much the worst,
    Making me say things
    That make no sence when the bell rings.
    Stupid curse!
    Rhyme and Verse!
    Apple Pie.
  19. *gives Irin cure*

    Please stop rhyming :|
  20. N0! It's actually pretty cool.