The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I'm sorry guys!
  2. For what, killing me?
  3. New post of Revolution within the next hour. Swear to JEEBUS this time
  4. *waiting for new revolution post*
    *checks watch*
    *gets impatient*
  5. I've begun writing it. But for suspense's sake, I'm gonna do my infamous

  6. EotE ch 9 is up if anyone would care to read it
  7. I'm trying to come up with a parody for my hearts a stereo so far I have

    I have a unicoorrrrn
    It gives me toast to keep me warn
    And that's it
  9. Irin. That made My day.
    Iron. So did that.
  10. I'm not writing Whispering Clouds. I was getting bored, I had no idea where the story was going and there wasn't enough feedback for the chapters.

    I don't care if you give me all that rubbish about quitters and stuff. I really don't.

    But I'm still continuing to write ACP, its just that I prefer this story and writing two stories is WAY harder than you think it is.

    Swag x

    Eh, whatever. I've dropped... 3 stories now. Is that a record?
  12. Lol so have I cheese :D and it don't matter I prefer ACP (A Changing Personality) anyway
  13. I just had great idea for a short story.
    It'll probably last 10-12 chapters.
    Should I write it? Or keep working on the plot for a long mystery story?
    And if I do write it, should I have sign ups? Because if people do sign up...they'll mostly be minor characters, unless people want to create appearances and names and what not for pre-created personality set characters.
  14. Stora go for the long one.
  15. Good news and Bad news. About a story.

    Good news:I have thought long and hard about making a story...

    I have decided...


    Bad news: Now I have nothing to do .0.
  16. Bump for awesomeness 
  17. Roll for sadness...

    Critical Fail
  18. A clan called "The Writer's Café" should be made for all the regulars.