The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. YAY
    *eats cheesecake*
  2. That's cause I just started today with that brilliant post that better cheer everyone up because it has 19 footnotes! Or was it 20...
  3. I* love** cookies** --John****21697*****

    *- Referring to me, if confused refer to footnote 6.
    **- Love in this case refers to me liking it, not actually loving it. If you are confused about this, you need help.
    ***- Dough baked with chocolate chip cookies baked into it. If you need a recipe for this, refer to foot note7.
    ****- John is not, nor shall ever be my legal name in life outside of KaW. If you need help determining what is KaW and what is reality refer to footnote 8.
    *****-21697 is a random series of numbers. This has nothing to do with the day, month and or year i was born. If you would like to know my birthday, refer to foonote 9.
    ******-I is used for writing in first person. For example i could say," Hello may ---------> I <---------- super size those fries? If you need help writing in 3rd person, the other main writing tense, refer to footnote 10.
    *******- The literal definition of love from is," Is a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend." I am not using the word love in the literal definition. Since this conversation is among friends, I can loosen the definition so that it means more like the word like, than the word love. If you are confused about how different company makes your speech different, refer to footnote 11.
    **********- KaW is a game on your computer, laptop, iphone, or ipod. If you look away from any of these devises, you will see what is refereed to as reality. If you would like some of the laws of reality, refer to footnote 12.
    *********- My birthday is le premier aout. If you would like the English version of this, and some common french words refer to footnote 13.
    **********- 3rd person is when you write as not a character, but someone who is watching the action. An example of this is," Dan and Maria walked into a store together." If you would like to know if 2nd tense exists refer to footnote 14.
    ***********- If you are in front of people you would like to impress, using slang is not a good idea. If you are in casual company, it is ok to be a little less lenient on making sentences correct. If you want to see some examples of this, refer to footnote 15.
    ************- There is gravity, which keeps you on earth. Abducting people is also not allowed. Taking things from other people is also against the rules. You are allowed to think and speak how you want, but this might be frowned upon in certain situations. If you would like to know some KaW laws refer to footnote 16.
    *************- le pemier aout- the first of august. Bon- Good. Mal- Bad. C'est- It is. If you would like to see more french refer to footnote 17.
    **************- It does exist, but is hard to master and is not commonly used. If you would like to know where I learned this refer to footnote 18.
    ***************- I could say," Yo, wats up dog." to my friend but to my boss it would probably get me fired. If you want to see another phrase like this refer to footnote 19.
    ****************- You can attack monsters, and have armies that can regenerate over time. If you want to know how this is possible refer to footnote 20.
    *****************- Chien- Cat. Mal- Bad. If you want to know my favorite french word refer to footnote 21.
    ******************- My language arts class in school.
    *******************- To my friend saying," I hate Ms. Hampton, she is a b****," is ok, but to Ms. Hampton it is not.
    ********************- Cause the Kaw admins said it could happen.
    *********************- Pomplimoose- Grapefruit

    That took to long just to get a win
  4. congratulations! You have just proven how god-awfully annoying footnotes are!
  5. What you didnt like my 3 word quote with 21 footnotes?
  6. ....mine was better.... :p
  7. No mine was obv. much better. It involved cookies
  8. Mine had rainbow sprinkles. And FIRE!
  9. But mine included multible footnotes inside the footnotes. FOOTNOTE INCEPTION
  10. Well im sorry i had to pull this one out....

  11. Which is major overkill...
  12. "No its just right." -- Goldilocks
  13. The difference between the two is that I sparked my own firey inspiration, whilst you just inhaled my smoke.
  14. No, i chocked on your smoke and died
  15. What? No! That's horrible! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill you.
  16. Irin... I don't know if I can forgive you for that...

  17. Don't worry I cloned him
  18. ok, just as long as long of you are necrophiliacs ill be alright
  19. what, to far?