Give me your tired, yor poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Your wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. Adopt a noob.
Lol, nice. Very lyrical. Here's one of mine. I think I posted it before, but I'm not sure everyone saw it. And it's one of my favorites.. I'll Love You Forever Don't ever forget, what you said to me, On the day we first kissed, by the trunk of our tree, You said that you'd love me, year after year, You said that you loved me, and that was my fear. Commitment had scared me, mistakes of my past. But you said our love was one that would last. And I loved you so deeply, I had to believe, So I helped make our goal, one we could achieve. We married four years, right after that day. "I'll love you forever," is what you still say. And year after year, that promise you keep, From when we awake, to when we both sleep. But time had to pass, we were over the hill, "I'll love you for always," is what you say, still. You smiled your smile, and my eyes had shone, And for so many years, I was never alone. Then one rainy day, in a hospital bed, "You know I still love you," is what you had said. "I'll meet you in heaven, and thanks for the ride. I'll love you forever. I'll be at your side."
@Irin Wow, the poem is beautiful... Never heard anything so heartfelt... Does this mean you're with someone in-game?! :0 iZ
@Falcon, yep, original. @zaln. Let go, will you? No, I'm not with someone in game, or out of game if you must know. I am able to write about feelings I have never felt before. Sheesh, annoy me any more and it might result in a death I hadn't planed in innocence. And yes, there are indeed planned deaths.
I may not be dead, But I sit on my bed, I close my eyes, And remember as far back as possible. These were times I was little. They are short and distorted. As I go on the memories lengthen. I'm still a small child, Though my happiness fades. I have little left, All hope was lost. My angel comes, And lifts me high. Though he turns out, To be a nightmare, That day, I owed him my life, He was the one who trusted me When no one else did. By this time tears are falling , They were once ignored, Now felt as my clouded mind clears. I was always tinted by my past, My thoughts, My feelings, Ignored and thought to be gone. Now as I approach my life here and now, I find it to be empty, I think I have lost my way. Truthfully, I've only ignored the best thing in life, My feelings now, Long ago, And into the future. I thought I was lost without you, But I'm really lost obsessing About the friendship we used to have. I open my eyes, I vow to end it. I battle myself, My hurt, Used, Abandoned self, Has lost who I really was. I was so outgoing, So free and loving, Now I'm in a dark cage, Made by my own false feelings About myself and life. So only one question bares through the fog. What do I do now? Just a poem about my thoughts recently, A little dark. What do u think?
This isn't as good as ww I wrote it at 2am last night ps this is gandalftheginger Sitting in the dark Captured by the cold Captivated by the fear The stress that weighs you down Day by day it becomes heavier Sucking away your very essence Until one day you are no more You have lived for nothing And stood for nothing Life is meaningless for some And the most amazing for others Do we deserve it? The answer no one knows And no one will ever find The world is evil that is true The only time we are the same Is when we r laid in the grave Where only the soil is our company Live life while it is still available And enjoy as much as you can For it does not last forever for those of you who suffer like myself Take heart for we will come out victorious But we will never know if we do The days they come and go But one thing is predictable The darkness that night brings And the eventuality of death
This is the only free verse I've ever written. Not very good, but it's something. People, expressionless faces floating around, misguided. And none know the truth of anything, nothing but themselves. Self-centered and ignorant, oblivious to life, All paths must lead the same way, no double-backs, no second chances. They clamped down on imagination, on memories of past. Cornered in unchanging ways, loosing thier dignity. And no one sought to change the ways, remember how it was, When I was me, and you were you, and no two were the same. And be it life, or be it death, or be it niether still, My voice has lost it's unique ring, lost it's sheen of gold.