The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I've just lost respect for everyone ATM, Feather is being a real ****, Pim/Gloomi hides away without telling people. Iron, your still a noob, but your getting better. People like Cheese and Irin threaten to leave when things got tough, doesn't help in the slightest.

    Anyone else is excluded from this.
  2. Listen,

    Feather is not an asshole... Most of the time. The behavior you just saw was so... disgusting. Maybe I am an ass sometimes. Or maybe I'm just Feather. OMG! That reminds me of the chapter Irin wrote in Innocence (or Broken). After every paragraph or so it would be like: Or maybe I'm just bitter.

    So, looking at it from y'alls PoV it seems like the old feather is back, blah blah blah. Really, how insensitive. This tension started building up when GlooMI first insulted me months ago. JUST KIDDING! It started building up a few days ago.

    I mean seriously. The audacity to insult me at all. Tsk Tsk, the game has changed everyone. Yes, I said it. If this is a game, I wanna play. This is a game, everyone.

    The only player not playing is... Irin. Irin has more self-respect than to play the asinine game in Fan Fiction. She actually wants to help! Seriously. Get real. Be like Irin. Benefit the community.

    Close your legs, pimella. We don't have time for the smell of fish right now.

    ^^^^Example of Jasper^^^^

    That's something asshole Feather would say.

    But did I say that? No? Will I? No. Obviously she's not a little whore. She ran from that creep.

    I think it was very mendacious of you not to tell us all.

    I'm trying to get you banned for asking for personal info and threatening me, cheese. If this is a game, I wanna play...

    Irin, keep the café running. I owe you so many apologies. I'm sorry will never be enough. But this may be my final goodbye. I'm dropping out of the Game. Pimella and Cheese can play by themselves.


    PS: I'll have a chapter of SD up soon.
  3. Be more like Irin...

    And yet you, "the all-knowing and most kind FeatherHunter" are not.

    U mad?
  4. Well that's why they say practice what you preach cheese.
  5. There's a stranger in my bed
  6. Lol power to teh noobz
  7. Why the **** is everyone leaving?!?!

    Can't you all ******* get along and not fight in fanfiction?

    There is something called "PM"ing. You should try it sometime.
    It keeps out everyone but the person you're talking to.

  8. I'm at school, herp de derp.

    Oh, and by the way, the only way one can have an effect on that dickwad is to say it on forums, because according to him, "one person *insert exaggerated douchebag action* can't affect him."
  9. Wait, you have wifi at school?

    You're so lucky.
  10. My school reaches the neighbors wifi
  11. My school has wifi 
  12. This is a Café. Not a primary school. Both of you should grow up. It seems that every time I leave a fight breaks out. :|

    Not that I have anything to do with this >.>
  13. I feel unacknowledged :(
  14. *sits down and orders a good cuppa tea* 
  15. What's your favorite kind of tea BX?
  16. I like white tea with pomegranate.

    Or Lady Grey
  17. I like Cheddar tea as well, the names a bit cheesy, but the smell is amazing!