There hasn't been any bloodshed yet. Just a bit of name-calling. -shrug- I don't see why we can't just forgive and forget, so long as everyone repects each other.
That's the thing Irin. He basically said no one else's opinion matters but yours and his, and he was going to oppose everyone who had an opinion of there own
Chapter Thirteen: Southern Battle Sharlyse After the battle against the Immoralia in Edamynoe, I decided to go to Serpents. Just in time to, because a few hours after I got there, demons attacked. They weren't real demons of course, just creatures of the realm with a few actual ones mixed in. Dryads in the form of fire. Naiads rising out of the depths of the ocean, taking the shapes of dragons, tigers, lions, and even giant squids. Demons with hundreds of heads, huge claws, the whole nine yards. Unicorns made of diamonds. Stone djinni everywhere! I stood above a pool of water, admiring and brooding my reflection. My red breast plate, made by Cygnus before he died and kidnapped me, was made of a thick metal, enchanted with my Serpentine powers. Under that was an elastic, cool and airy material that surrounded my breasts, shaping around them. The breast plate didn't cover it though, it was positioned under it, making it really a stomach plate, I guess. A demon had attacked me earlier, clawing at that exposed area, but didn't make not one tear. My long, iridescent brown hair no longer looked pretty. It looked ratchety, the neat curls I thought were perpetual were totally gone! My skin looked dry, all moisture gone from it. When I unclipped my shin-plate, a think gunk of blood, sweat, and lotion had formed. At least I still had moisture there. An incoming fire dryad snapped me out of my daydream. “Sinestro!” I screamed, transforming into a giant spirit griffin, raking my talons across the dryads back and absorbing the fire, letting it lick across my body. I wasn't actually a griffin. My aurora was. From anyone else's point of view, I was just floating in the sky, in the head of a translucent griffin, slowly being set on fire. Anything I did, the griffin did. You know the movie Avatar? That's kinda like what I was doing. Accessing my spirit and displaying it. As the fire left it's body, I realized who the dryad was and what it was. It was a serpent, with black eyes and giant teeth. Who it was? You'd never guess! “Hello, Sharlyse.” Augustus said, altering his appearance to where he looked like a diseased dryad. “Long time no see...” He exclaimed, a tongue the color of rotting tree bark flickering in and out of his mouth. My confidence shattered. He scared me. He morphed his hand into a scythe, slowly cutting of the griffin's feathers and cutting my side. The fire seemed ineffectual, which if you think about it is weird since trees are highly flammable. It's because he created them... Someone else spoke in my mind. I maneuvered around him, turning into a fire breathing dragon and spewing red hot flames all over him. He screamed in vain, no one coming to save him. “Catch you on the flip side!” I said. There, below me, was a blue Phoenix. An evil phoenix. Before I could reach it, the explosion happened. Like a nuclear catastrophe, the world around me went up in flames. Before I died, I remembered the old saying: Fire to dryads make the trees blowup. I didn't know it was literal. _______________________ Centega Star looked at the guy across from him, white eyes, bushy eyebrows, and a beard stood out in his tan face. “Where am I?” Star screamed, his handcuffs digging into his skin. “Who are you?” “My name is Winter, although some people add an ‘s’. I am the Prince of Arguce.” Winter said. “I think my name is Star.” Star said. Winter looked at the other prisoners. A beautiful women with a red stomach plate, with breast fabric attached. A giant man with purple eyes. Each if them was unconscious. “Rhöl, help us all.” Winters said, after watching a gash open over Star's eyes.
Oh crap. I accidentally pasted that here... Who cares. What I meant to paste was: So what you're saying, pimella, is that you've always been GlooMI in disguise... Interesting.
Quit putting words in my mouth. There is no he basically said. There is only he said. Feather never said that. Feather said he will chew out anyone who opposes any of his opinions. An opinion is an opinion. There is no "You're wrong." There's only: If that's your opinion. Then someone can put in their two cents. That's the way the world works.
I literally always had a feeling you were GlooMI, dead serious. But I kept it to myself. I suspect everyone is someone elses alt, honestly. I actually think DarkFalcon is your alt, but that's controversial.
Wait...GlooMi never left?(I mean like the original person who had that account never gave it away?) I don't believe it... You talked/typed different and your writing was different too! (my opinion anyway...but I never knew GlooMi well...(I mean the original owner of the account/iDevice) I'm referring GlooMi and iPimella as two different people because they are two different people right?
Actually, I'm leaving again. Only gonna update my stories now, I hope. Irin... You can always wall me. I'm not numbed to you. You aren't numbed to me. You're balanced. You will prosper greatly. Keep the café running. Stora, hope you have a nice time. Pimella/GlooMI, rot in hell for all I care. Phoenix... I'm disappointed in you... For all those wondering, Pimella is the one causing me to leave now. Obviously I have to many haters.