The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. And if u check it out, their holy book says they get 12 raisins. Not virgins as it has been translated. Dissappointment eh? One little mark off changes that word.
  2. Lol 12 raisins

    Still my reich (I'f I actually spark it) will be way worse than all of that I'm talkin exodus! And then the USA will be aww crap we got to fight someone because they hurt our pride. And I'l storm washington dc!!!! Muahaha! My name is hulk commander of the fourth reich also little known fact a dope on the classical piano? Eh I'l work on it.
  3. Ordo, you are an enemy.
  4. Hm... I guess I'm neutral.
  5. How is ordo an enemy?
  6. I've always considered you my friend, Smighter.
  7. Irin, if that was the case...

    Wait a minute. I've got no way to continue that statement.

    Oh yes, I remember! It was all because of religion. The terrorists were acting "on behalf of their god, Allah." Notice how almost every (devastating or not) event has SOMETHING to do with religion...

    I won't even begin my rant about religion. There's too much to say.
  8. Ah, ok. Nvm then. XD
  9. I'm still trying to find out how I'm an enemy to Feather, lol.
  10. I decided to post my response to your comment on Group Story II here because my brother doesn't need my off topic rant.
  11. Ah and there goes your ego again. This is a community. Everyone is free to put their opinion as they see it.

    You know what feather? You're finally acting your age.

    If I recall correctly, you joined in September of 2010. You're nothing but a plunder war nooblet just barely passed the one year mark. You claim to be a vet? That's complete ********.

    I joined in December of 2009. I've never pissed off a vet, and I've never been a complete ass hat as you've been acting lately. I'm known for hugs and writing two writing guides, and also for .

    I wrote one story before fan fiction even existed, and I was one of the people who wrote emails to the Devs asking them to make an FF section. I'm also the one who asked the Devs to remove FF from active topics to protect from spammers.

    Feather I am completely fed up with you ass hattery. Your opinion means nothing to me, and at this point means nothing to the world. Your biggest contribution to Fan Fic is getting my guides stickied. Anything else you claimed to do was because of Starwars.

    Funny how your achievements seem to ride on the backs of others.

    Any big changes you've tried to make have died, and you have contributed absolutely nothing except rage, hatred and strife.

    In short shut the hell up and get a life. I've wasted too much energy trying to be nice to egotistical assholes.

  12. can't we get along?
  13. In a way she's right...

    But I still don't want you to leave, Feather, when I started I really DID look up to you...
  14. I'f this argument isn't settled in ten minutes I'm gonna blow you up
  15. I'll asksist you in that, Iron
  16. Nah I'm done. Just needed to blow off steam 
  17. Not sure if this conflict is ever going to blow over. But, Feather, she's kinda right. You could try being nicer to others.