The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I still don't get it.

    I understand 9/11 was bad, I don't deny that, but it's been 10 years since we Americans (as DarkFalcon said on 3rd party char app) "learned that we're not invincible"...

    Is it really still that shocking?

    Compared to other events, 9/11 was nothing. Hiroshima - millions dead in seconds, hundreds of thousands STILL dying each day. The ship being sunk that started WW2... VERY significant in history.

    But get a few people to hijack a plane and crash into two towers (NOTE THAT I AM THINKING TECHNICALLY, AS I HAVE NOT LOST A RELATIVE TO 9/11) and kill substantially less people than in any other historic event, and still, 10 years later, people can't get over it.

    I still fail to understand why.
  2. Oh hai dere Falcon.
  3. It was more of a wake up call then anything.

    But is it really that freaking unbelievable? Is it like saying "America isn't god" can get you executed for fear that it's true?
  5. I mean ofcourse it was a tragedy but still people were believing in invincible USA and because of a sense of hurt pride we've lost alot more lives in pointless wars
  6. Yes, yes, and yes.

    I'm pretty sure if anything should still be dwelling on us, its world war 2. Need I explain?
  7. Given the fact that I dream of starting the fourth reich I cannot answer
  8. You know the German reich's holy roman empire... Whatever the seciond reich was.. And hitlers failed"thousand year reich". I always Dreamed of igniting the fourth reich that would totally awesome
  9. Interesting...remind me not to give you any plans for world dominance.

    Anyway, thinking of bringing back the writing game. Thoughts?
  10. Nah I don't want world dominance I wanna go ape **** on the uk
  11. Oh...okay...

    And was that directed at me, Ella?
  12. I mean c'mon! Would a powerful Germany be too awesome for the world to handle? I would march the reich on the victory then slap any president or ruler who said I was deranged and not fit to run a dry cleaning store
  13. Cheese do you want to know why 9/11 is important?

    It was an attack on thousands of innocent people by a bunch of terrorists who have no respect for human life.

    New York lost around half its fire department trying to get people out of there.

    Sure, WWII was terrible, and the civilians didn't deserve the atomic bomb, but you have to remember we were at war. Rules are different during war. Is that right? No. But to say it was karma is pretty insensitive. If we hadn't dropped the bomb, many more lives would have been lost.

    The 9/11 terrorist attacked was an unprovoked attack mostly just to kill off civilians. It was not a military maneuver like the bomb, it was just an act of cruelty designed to break us and send a message. Is the purpose of sending a message worth the lives of 3k people?
  14. God Bless America.

    And I'll put the writing game back up tonight or tomorrow.
  15. God bless Canada! and hey feather explain your list back there.. Take me for example. Im not friend or foe. Does that mean im just.. Not there? If so why is there a neutral section? Cause wouldnt that be the same thing? Elaborate please?
  16. The 9/11 had an excuse though they actually believed Allah was calling them to do this.