The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. And for the record it made me laugh when

    IRONhulk: i found cheesemuffin

    Other dude>.<:I found a chocolate muffin
  2. So whats going on With your writing ?
  3. What do you mean eagle?
  4. Like r u writing anything new or have u updated anything
  5. I'm currently brainstorming/rough draft writing for a story.

    I might or might not publish it.
  6. Does no one read my story:/
  7. I do...... Sorta
  8. I might or might not put a story i wrote already long time ago on here that was written in pencil first so no adding characters its already done i might put it up here for u guys to read it but idk.
  9. I read it iron. I liked how long the chapters were
  10. It's a fail book thus the posts are shorter
  11. What happened to the lost thread?
  12. Woa. Your right. Poof.
  13. Alright guys. Here's what's up:

    Two nights ago, I had every intention of quitting. Like, legit leaving, deleting the app, all that jazz. I was supposed to tell you guys what I was doing last night, but I was so overwhelmed with how this place was falling apart, and I still wanted to quit.

    Today is different.

    Today I saw another group story being made.

    Today, I saw an attempt.

    So no, I'm not quitting. Not as long as there are people here willing to give Fan Fiction another chance. I'll be blunt. We got a lot of work to do to re-establish our community. But I have a plan.

    Roleplays. I know, I know, your all thinking I'm insane. Roleplays? The very thing so many of you appose? No way, right?

    Here's the deal. Those rps you saw before were NOT role-plays. No how I know them. Very soon I will be posting a very literate role-play with (what's this?) a plot. Thats right. A plot. People will need to be accepted to get in, meaning you'll have to post your character for me as a reference to your writing skills. Don't worry. I'm not a harsh judge. I'm not looking for good flow or amazing adjectives. I just want to know that you know the basic rules of grammar. Sound good? Great!

    I've got some other things up my sleeve too, but they're going to need some more planning before I even think about posing them on Kaw.

    Help me move the mountain?

    Thanks for your time.

    (Even if you do think I'm insane.)


  14.  you never cease to amaze me irin
  15. Irin? MAKING A ROLEPLAY!?!?!?!?!?

  16. Lol, I don't see why it amazes you. I used to rp a lot before Kaw. Don't you remember character nights?

    Anyways, glad to see you here, cheese.

    And hey Iron!
  18. My only real story I wrote was so short that I don't think anyone remembers it