Hello peeps. I made a thread in this forum called "Choose your own adventure-KaW!" It'd be cool if you could check it out. I'm having fun writing the updates as the people choose what happen
Pertaining to Dysfunction: All points except the really long ones on page three (except stora and pim's cause I trust them...slightly.) So, I get it. I made a lowblow when I compared her to a peacekeeper. Maybe I've made one analogy TOO many. My anger is a little weird. I don't know why I'm even angry half the time on this game. It's like when someone posts on your story thread. You specifically said not to post on it in the first post! When someone does that I just explode. That's how I feel all the time now. From now on, whenever someone talks negative about me my reply will be: If that's what you think.
Anger is controllable, it always is. It's just up to that person whether they want to control it or not. Anger though a video game is even easier to control. You get mad, punch a pillow then go back to KaW type something of the pacifist sort. You really don't need to take it out.(It's a different story when it comes to face to face though.) So feather, control your anger and emotions. You said you're smart right? I'm sure you can do it. We've now lost Irin and I'm not exactly in a happy mood.
If that's what you think. ^^^^Lol! I'm kidding!^^^^ I'm just gonna say that whenever someone is being mean.