Thank you... >.< Although there might be a light on the horizon. For the next A I get (the first A of my school year, which starts tomorrow) I can spend another $20 on the store to get keys, which can be used to get the most valuable item in the game! It also comes with a free item. I will unbox that Unusual Hat, and when I do, my quest will be finished.
Good god, was that about a game? (/).-) I really have to control myself.... But seriously, getting that Unusual Hat (a hat (valuable items in and off themselves) with an effect that makes it noticeable and that shows that other players around you are poor and Irish) is like shooting at, ad hitting, a bb pellet hanging from a string in the middle of a tornado with a bow, while blind.
I didn't have trouble. I worked my ass off and got a chance to get the most valuable item in the game. 12 times now, (I just bought 9 keys) it has failed. With that A, I WILL GET AN UNUSUAL HAT.
Sadness is power, anger is weakness, strength Is unneeded, love is all but Wanted ~Burningclaw ~The guy Who uses ~'s
I'e played (and beaten some) Bioshock (beat) Bioshock 2 (beat) AC2 (beat) AC: brotherhood Brütal Legend (beat) Crysis (Beat) Fallout 3 (beat) CoD 5 (beat) CoD 6 (beat) CoD 7 (beat) Rome: Total War Age of Empires 2 F.E.A.R. (beat) F.E.A.R. 2 (graphics card blew out, new one won't run it well) Borderlands (HE'LL ******* YEAH I BEAT IT) Portal (beat) Portal 2 (beat) LoZ Twilight Princess (beat) LoZ ocarina of time 3D (beat) Super Mario Galaxy (beat) Starcraft 2 (soooooo close) Halo 1 (beat) Halo 2 (beat) Halo 3 (beat, and ALL VIDMASTERS) Halo 3: ODST (beat) Halo Reach (beat, one of the best) System Shock 2 (I stopped playing 10 minutes in, scared shitless) Homeworld 2 (got far in, then lagged out) Banjo Kazooie, N
Ah yes, I just remembered. Fable 2 (beat) Brink (beat) Darksiders (beat) Serious Sam: FE (beat, I think...) Turok [remade version] (beat)