OK, seriously, I am so sick of Amber trying to pass herself off as someone else. You admitted you were Amber, eaglestar. Please, get a life.
No I didn't I never said that u fools did u stuck words in my mouth don't say anything if you don't have things you want to say quote people properly- Veronica(and I'm not pretendinVeronica is my major character now)
Wait, wait, wait. Amber thinks she's Veronica. A character in her little... Whatever-thingy-majigger.
Just let Veronica in, if she doesn't do anything bad, it's cool. You've got to give people chances to change.
HEY HEY HEY! Let's just all stand juxtapositional and enjoy each other's company. There is no use of fighting over something such as frivolous and petty as "good IQ". We won't be getting anywhere; it's much like talking about religion, no-one will win this fight. All that will come out of this is you two as bitter enemies. Now that that is all done, Feather, do you think I have good vocabulary for someone my age? Let's just say I read old Sci-Fi books and some classics...
Alright guys, I didn't want to get involved. But I'm left with no choice. From now on there will be absolutely NO TRASH TALKING. Its demeaning, and rude, and above all, the users of Fan Fiction should not sink to that level. Like it or not, IronHULK is an active member of Fan Fiction, and if any of you even care to know, he is considering the possibility of writing a story. Feather, Cheese, Iron, enough is enough. Apologies should be issued. And if you three aren't man enough to end this petty fighting, then take it out of my cafe and to the walls. Furthermore, if I hear if anymore trash talking in my cafe from ANYBODY, he or she will be banned from this thread permanently. No protests, no questions. I intended this place to be a calm environment for writers to think, not a boxing ring for your vain, stupid, and idiotic fighting. Don't like it? Tough. Make a new thread. You can be sure you won't see me around
Oh, buzz-off cheese. That doesn't count. She's an... it. Yeah, Phoenix. Your vocabulary is superb. EVERYONE! THEY NOW HAVE A DICTIONARY.COM............ TOOLBAR!!!!!
Not a problem Karl. Now does everyone understand this rule? Clear? Crystal clear? Good. I expect everyone to follow them.